Finding the right times to buy physical bullion in any form when the overall precious metals segment is down,will test every ounce of patience for the prospective investor. First you have to call dozens of companies to see if they have the stock to sell that is reflected on the current market trends. If that doesn't work out, calling out the secondary resources such as dealers and brokers for the bullion is the definitive next step. At the end of the phone calls, emails, pop ins and any other method of communications, you may end up empty and you might just lose out. The stark reality to today's bearish bullion market is simple. These outfits that sell bullion in its purest form are simply running on empty themselves, or they're withholding their allotment until silver climbs back to levels where they've made their initial buys at. Even if you can find some to buy, nine times out of ten they will be asking some abysmal premium that is reflective of $30/oz. silver or $1,700/oz. gold.
Keep in mind what most successful investors practice, when PM prices are down, investors become collectors of rarities. When PM prices are up, they return to being investors in bullion. The determined will adapt to the market trends, which will make them money in all scenarios. No longer will you have to play the same game that most other linear minded investors do. Keep this handy tip in mind and patience will not be the only virtue that you will possess. Keep on stacking and hunting my friends!